Al-Wafi fi al-ghiza Al-Shafi الوافي في الغذاء الشافي


This book compiles insights from various specialists, including doctors, university professors, and nutrition experts. It offers a summarized and comprehensive overview by translating, compiling, linking, expanding, and referencing external sources. Structured like a review of scientific heritage, it provides valuable insights for readers seeking a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

رمز المنتج: 9783987090615 التصنيفات: ,


This book is a summary of several sources overseen by specialists, including doctors, university professors, and nutrition experts. We have translated, compiled, linked, expanded, and referred to external sources for verification, or to provide missing pieces that Arab readers may need for context. This book is structured like a review and introduction to a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, known as a review of scientific heritage.

معلومات إضافية



Dar Badawi

