Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Sadiq Ali Ahmed Mahdi, known for his publications in the field of Omani economics, presents a valuable resource that has been translated into eight foreign languages. This book, “An Introduction to Omani Economy,” adds to his contributions to the field of economics. Publishing a book that benefits those who seek knowledge and wish to learn is truly remarkable. It enriches both the scientific and literary libraries with a small offering of knowledge, a visible point of light in the vast sea of limitless knowledge. Since the dawn of 1970, the Omani economy has undergone numerous transformations and significant changes. Oman moved forward with consistent and harmonious steps towards modernization and diversification. Historically, Oman is one of the oldest independent countries in the Arab world, known for its rich and ancient heritage. This book provides insights into Oman’s unique historical significance and its commitment to preserving its rich heritage.