Tammulat fi Masira Fasida تأملات في مسيرة فاسدة


This book is a collection of articles expressing human reactions to recent events in Sudan, documenting disasters caused by the ruling regime under the banner of Islam. The articles were written under challenging circumstances, prioritizing the message’s delivery over perfect expression.

رمز المنتج: 9783987090745 التصنيفات: ,


This book is a collection of articles that express spontaneous and natural human reactions to the events that our country has witnessed in recent years. The Sudanese reader, driven by their national consciousness, realizes the importance of documenting these disasters and tragedies caused by the ruling gang, especially since everything they did was done under the banner of Islam and the defense of its sanctities, despite being far from the values of this noble religion and what the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, brought. Everyone understands that these articles were written under difficult circumstances, with all the challenges of work, responsibilities, livelihood, and family care, both here and there. Therefore, I do not claim perfection in the precision of expression of what I wanted to write. The focus was on delivering the message to the dear readers in any way possible, as long as the message and its contents were conveyed.

معلومات إضافية



Dar Badawi

